Saturday, August 18, 2012

Antelope Island with Jane's ward...

We discovered ANOTHER drive-through gas station!  Oh how I love these lazy inventions! haha!

There were SOOOOO many nasty bugs.  See how the shore is darker right along the edge....those are bugs!  I am not kidding!  They were EVERYWHERE!  This face represents how we felt about them.

Some of the girls in the group wanted to try buffalo burgers.  The place that sold them smelled SO bad!  Jane and I went inside and immediately were like, hmmm, i'll pass on trying those -haha.  This sign was even hanging up in there.  I think we were not the first ones to think this place smelled haha!

All in all, it was a hilariously stinky and bug-filled day.  BUT, we did get to float on water because the lake is so salty!  So it was worth it!

Christina's Volleyball tournament!!! She was awesome! Seriously though, i'm not just saying that, she plays SO WELL!

Mom and I were the best cheerleaders!

Watching "The Sandlot" outisde at the Capitol Building!

Aida in Sandy with Brooke B, Jane, Dad, and Christina. It was AMAZING!

Soccer with Michelle, Gavin, Sarah W., Sarah P, and Matt! (And then we had a little too much fun with the sun setting and our camera)

I don't think we will ever get sick of this place...

Watching Disney's "Prom" with my sisters and friends on our garage door outside!

Roasting marshmallows up Milcreek Canyon with the family!

Park City outlet mall with Jane! We may or may not have found some really cool shoes!

It is the summer of fires. This one was by the point of the mountain between Salt Lake and Utah County