With this type of painting there is no right way to paint, and no wrong way, you just experiement and try new things. By the end, you will have made multiple layers - - what you first painted will probably be covered over several times in the end. You just keep adding new things and experimenting until you feel like stopping. i.e.throwing darts at balloons filled with paint and seeing how the paint explodes, tapping the canvas on the ground and letting gravity pull the paint downward, splating or flicking the paint with your fingers, putting paint on the canvas and squishing it with plants to see what texture the paint makes, covering the canvas with paint and spinning the canvas in a circle to see how that motion pulls the paint, throwing the canvas like a frisbee accross a field and see what happens to the puddle of paint you just poured onto it, standing high above the canvas and dropping paint down onto it, blowing air on the paint and watching how the paint moves etc.. With this type of painting, enjoying the process is just as important (if not more important) as the finish. And the cool thing is that they all turn out SO different! These are two different ones I made. |