Friday, July 13, 2012

When basically everyone was on a vacation, we decided to go on our OWN vacation! Provo! No really. That is what we did. Because we all had to be back for work so we couldn't go far. So we thought - - hey! Let's go somewhere you would NEVER think to go on a vacation! HAHA! Be jealous!

7 peaks!

Which was perfect because it was hot outside!

Then, of course, we had to go to the nations laziest gas station...the DRIVE THROUGH gas station!  Haha! 

Literally you can drive through here and say "can i have a gatorade, a magazine, and some gum" haha!  Coolest gas station ever right?! haha!

Then visted some famous locations.

Insanely deep thoughts about the meaning of life and the universe obviously. haha

Sarah and Shell pretending to be one of the many couples we saw - - it is Provo ya know -haha!

For example....   Yes, we were creepers and took this picture of that couple.

Then we went bowling!  You know you are jealous!!

Seriously though, one of the most fun and hilarious experiences of my life!  Have you ever tried bowling to the beat of the soundtrack playing in the bowling alley?  Just do it.

Notice Sarah and my scores...we tied.  That's how good we are.

And we saw fireworks! - - Okay. Fine.  This firework is fake.

  I love that my siblings will be outrageously random and spontaeous with me!


  1. Heh... I just got done booking a staycation to Provo. We were gonna head to CA and just decided we were too broke. We figured we could use points for a few nights hotel stay, and our 7 peaks pass of all passes and voila! cheapo but fun vacation. Any Provo stuff to do suggestions?

    1. Haha That is awesome! It was seriously so fun, not gonna lie! There awesome outdoor things in Provo. Bridal veil falls, Stuart falls, the Y on the mountain, squaw peak, Timp, sliding rock (a natural water slide in Alpine), tons of spots up Provo Canyon to have campfires and roast marshmallows. What else?...laser tag, country dancing, 7 peaks (super fun!!!) THE DRIVE THROUGH GAS STATION of course! (haha you just gotta do it once haha!), the Provo Beach (never been but heard its fun), depending on when you go there is also the Rooftop Concert Series (outside on top of a decorated parking garage and free!) Provo is super fun! We just thought it was funny cause we all lived or currently live there because of school, and of all places, that was where we decided to go haha. HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Where is this drive through gas station??? Because I feel that is something I need to experience since I live here! haha!

    1. Tiare - - it is kiddy corner to the little ceasars pizza over by king henry. It is right across the street from golds gym i think. It is so hilarious to me.
